
The purpose of this article is to inform and guide our clients on the different options for creating employees in our platform, either individually or in bulk. It provides options for including foreign employees and maintaining accurate information within the platform. 

Scope / Limitations:

This article will focus exclusively on creating employees within the platform and will not address other related aspects, such as payroll management. The information provided in the article is based on the current functionality and features, with potential updates in the future.


  • Importers: A tool capable of bulk uploading data to the platform, making it easier to load or update information related to employees, jobs, or companies.

  • Template: It is a predefined file with a specific structure that must be downloaded and filled out with the minimum required data before being uploaded to the platform.

Legal Basis and Applications:

The appropriate creation of employees ensures compliance with current labor regulations, including legal and labor requirements related to hiring and affiliations. By using Buk, you can efficiently manage your people management processes, automate tasks, and reduce errors compared to manual methods. Additionally, our platform stores relevant information about your employees, making data management more efficient. Buk complies with the labor and legal requirements of various labor regulatory agencies.

Individual Platform Process:

You can create them in two ways. The first is from "Administration" in the "Control Panel" section. There, you will find a "New Employees" box where you can review the new hires. If you click on "New," you can create a new employee. The second way to do this is from "Administration" in the "Employees" section, by clicking on "Create Employees".

Both options will lead you to the section where you need to complete the personal, social security, and assigned job information for the employee. 

The first step is to provide personal information. Here you must detail data such as name, surname, ID, country of birth, gender, date of birth, email, among others. 

In the "ID Document Number" field, you must enter the employee's ID number. For "Document Type," you can select DNI, Carnet de Extranjería, Pasaporte, Permiso temporal de permanencia, or choose the "Other" option to include foreign employees. This last option allows you to enter ID document numbers from any country and maintain accurate information within the platform. It is crucial to note that when selecting the "Other" option in "Document Type," the "Document Number" field will not be subject to validation and will only accept alphanumeric characters.
It is essential to highlight that employees whose "Document Type" is set as "Other" will not be eligible for payments.

Once ready, go to the second step by clicking on "Create employee".

Please note that all fields marked with an asterisk "*" are mandatory. Employees with document type "Other" are not eligible for payment.

Once ready, you will reach step two: Social Security Information In this step, you must enter data related to contributions or pensions. In the Social Security Information section, you can enter details such as the CTS, CTS Account, CTS Currency, CTS Interbank Account Number, Company CTS Payment Bank, AFP, and Family Allowance.

Once you have completed this information, press "Next" to proceed. 

Finally, you will need to complete the job-related information for the employee, such as company, area, supervisor, base salary, and more. 

If you have created employees with the "Document type" set to "Other", the employees will not be subject to payments, so in the advanced options, the "Without Payroll Calculation" checkbox will be checked by default and cannot be unchecked.

Once ready, you can click "Finish" to complete the process.

Upon completion, the system will confirm that the job and the employee have been successfully created.

Bulk Platform Process:

You can create workers in bulk using Buk's importers. To do so, go to the "Information" section and select "Importers". Click on "Importers" and you will find the "Employees" importer. From there, you will be able to upload the employee's personal and pension information. The system will confirm that the job and the employee have been successfully created once you complete this process. 

You need to download the template by clicking "Download Template."

An Excel file will be downloaded and you will have to complete it with the employees' information.

In the "ID Document Number" field, you must enter the employee's ID number. For "Document Type," you can select DNI, Carnet de Extranjería, Pasaporte, Permiso temporal de permanencia, or choose the "Other" option to include foreign employees. This last option allows you to enter document numbers from any country and maintain accurate information within the platform. It is crucial to note that when selecting the "Other" option in "Document Type," the "ID Document Number" field will not be subject to validation and will only accept alphanumeric characters.
It is essential to highlight that employees whose "Document Type" is set as "Other" will not be eligible for payments.

Once you complete the information you must upload the file by selecting it from "Select File". 

After uploading the employee template, you can continue with the upload of "Profile Photos" (this importer is optional).  The images must be in .JPG or .PNG format to be successfully imported. If this step is not necessary for your company or has already been completed, you can proceed with the "Jobs" importer. With this importer, it is important to review the instructions for each information field. For fields where "See valid types" is indicated, you can click to display detailed information. When you have filled in the information, you can upload the file from "Select File".

After the upload is complete, your employees will be created in the platform. 

Required Modules:

  • Base: People Management Essential Plan

Key words:

Create employees, upload personal information, upload pension information, create jobs, employee importer, new employee.

You might also be interested in:

Creation of a company

How to create job titles?

How to update employee's pension data?

Remember, if you need help, you can contact us through our support channels, and we will be happy to help you! 

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